4 Signs It’s Time to Have Your Dental Crown Replaced

February 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — johnroberson @ 4:58 pm
person having a dental crown replaced

Dental crowns are sturdy caps that are shaped like teeth and used to restore decayed, cracked, misshapen, discolored, or damaged teeth. As durable as they are, they can still experience wear and tear after years of biting, chewing, and grinding up your food since they’re designed to function like natural teeth. With proper care, they have a average lifespan of 10-15 years. They will eventually need to be replaced, so continue reading to learn about four signs that it’s time to get new dental crowns.

#1: Dental Crowns Sustained Damage

Over the years, the materials used to make dental crowns have become sturdier as well as more aesthetically pleasing than they once were. Even so, it isn’t unusual for them to develop chips or cracks over time.

Biting something hard, falling and hitting your tooth, a sports-related injury, or natural wear and tear may cause your dental crown to become damaged. If your dentist is unable to repair the damaged crown, you may need to have a new one placed.

#2: Your Crowns Are Showing Signs of Advanced Age

If you have not had your dental crown replaced in the last decade, then it’s time you speak with your dentist about getting a new one. Even if you don’t notice any visible signs of damage, the age of the restoration can become problematic.

A dental that’s more than 10 years old may be ineffective or compromised before you realize it. Additionally, grinding your teeth (bruxism) or poor oral hygiene can lead to needing your dental crown replaced sooner than planned. Be sure to schedule a preventive exam with your dentist to ensure your smile remains healthy.

#3: Your Gumline is Receding

Bacteria are more likely to gather on the gums near a dental crown as opposed to the gums adjacent to one of your natural teeth. If not removed properly, this may lead to gum disease. Brushing and flossing your teeth every day helps prevent complications. Even so, some issues may be out of your control.

Visit your dentist if you notice that your gumline is receding. This made be an indicator that bacteria is destroying the gum tissue or the dental crown was placed incorrectly.

#4: You’re Experiencing Pain or Swelling Around Your Dental Crown

If you’re experiencing swelling, pain, or inflammation around a tooth that has a dental crown on it, you need to see your dentist as soon as possible. Discomfort is a clear indicator that your dental crown needs to be replaced. A constant toothache, an increase in sensitivity, or gum swelling might mean that your dental crown is broken, out of date, or improperly placed.

About the Practice

Dr. John J. Roberson is a skilled dentist who leads a team of Monroe-based oral health professionals who are here to help you maintain a healthy, happy smile. Are you missing one or more of your pearly whites? They offer dental crowns to fill in the gaps and can replace your restorations when they start showing signs of wear. If you are ready to make an appointment with Dr. Roberson or want to learn more about dental crowns, call his office at (318) 343-2633 or visit their website.

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