10 Home Remedies for Toothaches

August 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — johnroberson @ 10:09 pm
person with toothache holding cheek

Coping with a toothache can be profoundly uncomfortable and disruptive. While it remains essential to seek professional dental care for a comprehensive assessment and proper treatment, there are several measures you can take at home to help mitigate pain and inflammation, temporarily alleviating the discomfort associated with a toothache. In the following, we will delve into 10 effective home remedies to ease toothache symptoms, offering some relief until you can receive professional dental attention.

#1: Salt Water

Prepare a calming saltwater rinse by mixing half a teaspoon of salt with eight ounces of warm water. Gargle with this solution to eradicate bacteria, lower the risk of infection, reduce inflammation, dislodge debris, accelerate oral wound healing, and offer pain relief.

#2: Cold Compress

Place a cold compress on the impacted area of your cheek to alleviate inflammation. The cold temperature causes blood vessels to constrict, effectively diminishing swelling and delivering relief.

#3: Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

Make a DIY mouthwash by mixing equal parts of water and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Gargle with this solution to efficiently eradicate bacteria, reduce plaque buildup, alleviate pain and inflammation, and facilitate the healing of bleeding gums.

#4: Garlic

Create a paste by crushing a garlic clove, then apply it to the troublesome tooth and chew it slowly. This natural remedy aids in pain relief and eradicates harmful oral bacteria.

#5: Guava Leaves

Boil crushed guava leaves in water to craft a mouthwash. You can also chew on fresh leaves. These leaves harbor antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory attributes, assisting in wound healing and delivering relief.

#6: Wheatgrass

Harness the power of wheatgrass as a mouthwash or ingest it to combat bacteria, diminish inflammation, and bolster your immune system.

#7: Peppermint Tea Bags

Place a cooled, used peppermint tea bag on the affected tooth to alleviate pain as well as provide relief for sensitive gums.

#8: Clove

Prepare a clove oil solution by blending 15 drops of clove oil with one ounce of a carrier oil, such as jojoba or sunflower. Dab a small quantity of this blend onto a cotton ball and gently position it on the troublesome tooth several times daily. Alternatively, include a single drop of clove oil into a glass of water to concoct a soothing mouthwash.

#9: Thyme

Leverage the antibacterial potential of thyme by blending thyme essential oil with a carrier oil and administering it to the afflicted tooth. Alternatively, incorporate a drop of thyme essential oil into a small glass of water and utilize it as a gargle to enhance oral health. Thyme’s inherent properties can aid in combating bacteria responsible for cavities and deliver relief.

#10: Toothache Plant

The toothache plant, aptly named for its properties, contains spilanthol, an anti-inflammatory compound. Chewing the plant generates a numbing sensation that can alleviate toothache pain. Although generally safe, refrain from its use if you consume alcohol, have allergies to daisy family plants, are pregnant, take diuretics, or have prostate cancer.

Toothaches can be quite distressing, but these home remedies offer some relief until you can seek professional dental care. Remember that while these remedies may provide temporary comfort, it’s essential to consult with a dentist for a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment!

About the Practice

Dr. John J. Roberson is a proficient dentist heading a team of Monroe-based oral health experts, dedicated to preserving your joyful and healthy smile. Their comprehensive treatments guarantee top-tier care for maintaining both the health and beauty of your smile. Additionally, they provide emergency services to address toothaches and deliver relief promptly. To explore more about Eco Dental or to schedule an appointment with their skilled team, contact their office at (318) 343-2633 or visit their website.

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